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Learning outcomes: Learners will be able to

  • express percentage as fraction 
  • express percentage as decimal
  • express fraction as a percentage 
  • express decimal as a percentage 
  • find percentage of a whole 
  • solve problems involving percentage
This lesson plan is incorporated with the STEM activities known as: 
  1. PBL: Project-Based Learning 
  2. PBL: Problem-Based Learning 
  3. IBL: Inquiry-Based Learning

  • Converting Percentage into Fraction and decimal and vice-versa 
1. Starter Activity: Discussion in first 5 to 10 mins can be done on percentage for example: whether they have seen a percentage sign in real life and where?  This will enhance students interest in topic
2. Learning Activities: can tell the student about the topic that today they are going to learn the method of conversion between percentage, fraction and decimal. For conversion it is necessary for learners to know the meaning of percent. After telling them the meaning, (1) start explanation of method of conversion from percentage to fraction. Tell them as percent means out of every hundred so whenever any percentage is given just write the given number in the numerator of fraction and write 100 in the denominator of same fraction and just ignore the sign of percent. For example: 75% = 75 / 100. (2) Once, they are able to convert percentage as a fraction next guide them to write percentage as a decimal. Tell learners that it is easy to write a number in decimal when there is 100 in the denominator of fraction. You can tell the technique that when we divide a number by 10, 100 or 1000 decimal move towards left side of the number according to the count of the zeros in the denominator. For example: 75/100 = 0.75 (when there is no decimal in a number take decimal point after the last digit of the number) and 9.87/100 = 0.0987 (when there is a decimal take decimal two places backward). Now, tell them if you want to convert a percentage into decimal you have to follow two steps. Step 1: change percentage into fraction. Step 2: divide the number by 100 using the technique of decimal. 

Tell the learners now we are going learn how we can convert fractions and decimals into percentage. Can guide them to reverse the method of converting percentage as fraction and decimal. At first we were dividing by 100 but Now we are going to multiply fractions and decimals with 100. You can tell the technique that when we divide a number by 10, 100 or 1000 decimal move towards left side of the number according to the count of the zeros in the denominator and when we multiply a number with 10, 100 or 1000 we move decimal point to the right side of the number. For example: 0.75 x 100 = 75%  and 1.4 x 100 = 140.

3. Tasks: Worksheet or practice questions or examples 

4. Activities: 

Activity no. 1: Survey  
You can assign different topics to the groups of each class and ask them to make the questions using the topic. Send the group of students to different classes to interact and ask questions they have made during the time of discussion. Afterwards, they can calculate the percentage of the data collected. 

1. Makes students more confident and interactive. 
2. Develop critical thinking in the students
3. Ability to rise questions 
4. Help them to arrange the data 
5. Calculate percentages. 


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