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Prime Factorization


Prime Factorization: 

Prime Factorization is a process through which we can find out the prime factors of a number. 

Prime Factor: 

Factors of a number which are prime number known as prime factor of a number. 

Prime Numbers:

Prime numbers are the numbers which have only two different factors that is 1 and itself. For example 2, 3, 5, 7, so on. 
"2 is the smallest prime number"   

Composite Numbers: 

Composite numbers are the numbers which have more than two factors. For example 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, so on 

These worksheets will help learners to go through the process of prime factorization that will help them to find out the square and cube root of given number, LCM and HCF of numbers. 



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